Mathoura to Deniliquin = 36km
Cummulative total = 737km
Just a small day today! Unfortunately there is forecasted rain for the Riverina area and if we continued on to Conargo our camping was only in the local sportsground and we didn't want to get stuck there tomorrow. So we decided to stay here in Deniliquin and if it is raining tomorrow we just stay put and wait out the rain, if it doesn't rain tomorrow then we will move on to Jerilderie hopefully with a good tail wind!
I had psyched myself up for todays ride as I new it was going to be a headwind the whole way but once we got to Deniliquin Neil was a little tired in the legs and with the threat of rain we decided to stay here.
It is a nice size town (popn 8000) and the campground is good and we are way out in the unpowered section so Kouta has room to move and doesn't have to be tied up all the time!
One thing we are struggling with is the forecasting of the weather. We listen to the radio (ABC) but we seem to be getting a dominance of news and forecasts for Mildura across to Horsham and Swanhill so we are not too sure if it is relevant to this area.
We have started to look up Elders and the Bureau of Meteorology more to get a more accurate forecast. I think they are right with the approaching rain as it is starting to cool a bit and cloud over and looking at the radar Melbourne has rain I think!
It is still warm at the moment, todays top is 30 degrees and in a few days I think it will be only 16 degrees so a few cold days coming up.
But you are not going to believe this ... but listen to this ... just before we got into Deniliquin we pulled up into an information bay that had a map of the town and Neil pipes up "oh $10" and I think he is joking but he quickly got of his bike (it is a very windy day and he would hate for it to blow away!!!) and viola!
Is that not the most 'cheesiest' smile that you have seen from Neil? Man he was grinning all the way to the campground! ... and he is still smiling! Man what a winner! I just rode right past it as per usual ... I only see snakes!
We are camped beside the Edward River and it is really quite full and alarmingly enough all the permanent tourist caravans are on stilts! ... are they trying to say something? ... like does the river flood all the time! There doesn't look like any flood damage!
Well hopefully we can push on tomorrow to Jerilderie if not we will stay here at Deniliquin.
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