Gunbower to Moama = 59km
Cummulative total = 647km
Today was only suppose to be a 43km day but we got lost trying to find the one and only caravan park in Echuca that would take dogs ... basically the Northern Way caravan park doesn't exist!
Listen to this ... 2 websites said this caravan exists and the address is 75 Northern Hwy Echuca. So I use the google maps to find its location so after going to the train station to get dads ticket I take the lead and take us there. We get to a roundabout and I am sure it is south of it and Neil thinks it is north of it. So we go south and it is not there the numbers are greater than 75. Then we go north and we end up at the turnoff that we first took to get into town. So we pull over and then Neil looks up the internet again to double check I have the right address and this time we click on the google map that is with the caravan park website and the Northern Hwy is now the main street of Echuca so we go back there .... and still no caravan park!
So we go to the information center and they inform us the only 2 in the area that will take dogs is 7km before Echuca and one at Moama which is the Maiden Inn so they ring up to find out if they take dogs ... well they said yes but I am sure that the Maiden Inn on the website said no dogs!
But here we are at the Maiden Inn holiday park and it is right on the Murray and is a huge lovely expensive park!
So it has been a long hot day and we all hate Echuca! But we did manage to take in some good photos!
We did have to cross this bridge over the Campaspe river and I swear it was leaning to one side and I was sure the planks of wood would not hold the heavy bikes!
Since we are in Moama (NSW) we crossed the border between the 2 states.
On the road to the caravan park at Moama we saw a paddle steamer going along the Murray.
And this is our view from our tents (actually you just have to go down a short steep embankment to get this photo!)
So it wasn't too badder a day but I don't think I will be using the Google maps again this is the 2nd time we have gone wrong with it ... the first was back in Bacchus Marsh where is clearly had one road goes into another without changing status where as it was a 'C' road and then became a one lane road (so I think it does change its status!)
Tomorrow dad heads back to Melbourne and we will stay here for a rest day. His train will leave at 7.20 tomorrow morning so he said he will get up at 3 o'clock and start packing ... I think he has your problem Sharon!!!
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