Coleambally to Griffith = 65km
Cummulative total = 963km
Oops it has been a few days since my last posting! We are here at Griffith and Ray and Flo are up here with us.
But first a bit about our cycling day yesterday. We woke up early and to a fog which soon lifted once the sun came up. Coleambally is a small and quiet town so we had a great rest day the day before - we did nothing but read and Neil spoke to everyone on the phone/skype!
We continued along the Kidman way and there is definitely a marked increase in traffic throughout the day especially trucks.
We have begun to notice alot of melons on the side of the road. These grow proliferically in the outback, not too sure what the official name of them are but I like to call them paddy melons and I remember when I first cycled in the outback I was warned not to eat them - although they contain liquid the melons only make you more thirsty. So I have never put that to the test and trust that whoever told me that is correct!
Also something else that is in this area is the dreaded 3 thorn jack and we decided to take a photo of one so you know what we are talking about!
They are absolutely lethal and even thorn proof tubes don't protect you from them.
We had a cuppa break at Darlington Point which is about half way and just before town we found Kouta some friends.
I didn't threaten kouta with replacing him with the absolutely adorable even littler pony that is with this group! But I think the little pony would grow heavier than what Kouta actually is. Also are Darlington Point is the Murrumbidgee river.
Like the Murray this river is just as spectacular and if anything I think it is more beautiful than the Murray and also the name is nicer and just rolls of the tongue!
From Darlington point the Kidman way road became worse - the condition of the road deteriated and there was a marked increase in traffic especially trucks.
The whole area around Griffith is part of the MIA - Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area and also part of the Riverina food bowl. Basically alot of Australias food is grown here!
There are numerous vineyards - De Bortelli is one I can think off and alot of them use the grapes to make dessert wines like madeiras, ports etc. Also there are heaps of Orange tree farms - both Valencia and Navel.
There are also heaps of Kiwis in Griffith I suppose to do the seasonal work and even here at the campground (although it is currently out of season I think) which is geared for seasonal workers in one part and tourists in the other.
We did drive down to Leeton today but unfortunately there was nothing really to photograph. Maybe tomorrow as we cycle north to Rankin Springs I might be able to get photos of farms.
But little did I know what Griffith is famous for ... listen to this! ... bribery and drugs!
Back in the 80's (I think) this town had a corrupt police force that was ignoring the growing of marijuana! Alot of illegal wheeling and dealing in drugs. Not that I saw the 2nd series of Underbelly but I think that was based on what was going on in Griffith. Nevertheless it is a nice town now and has a big Italian population in it.
Tomorrow we head north towards Lake Cargelligo which we should be there in 2 days. We stop at Rankin Springs overnight tomorrow and I don't think we will get internet reception there so I will post from Lake Cargelligo.
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